Thursday, April 7, 2011


So I have been away for a while.....did you miss me? Of course you did. Since I have been absent so long, I will update you on my current state of affairs:
1) I had my initial flight physical a few weeks ago. This affair was supposed to take from 6am til noon. In true military fashion, I didn't leave the base until 430 pm that afternoon. So THAT was a long day.

2) At said physical, I apparently had a high density tissue mass in my lungs that the docs wanted to make sure was non prohibitive to proper military duty. So THAT took a while to get done. I had to schedule blood tests to make sure that I wouldn't end up on dialysis resulting from the contrast dye for the CT to follow. The drive back to base took longer than the blood taking itself.

3) The CT was fun. 730am, 5am wake up call plus work after. LONG day. I got a disk with my images but they mean nothing to me as I don't know what I would be looking for. I later found out that I am A-OK.

So as this post as long over due, I found my two favorite quotes in the world (I think) on my old computer (Oh yeah, I bought a mac book air. Pretty cool, but I don't do enough with a computer to be one of those savvy tech mac dudes).

"Look at you. You're exhausted, hungry, thirsty, cold, wet, and miserable. Your body trembles, from soreness and fatigue, and even as I look at you, you are swaying on your feet like you will collapse any moment. Now you can feel it. The spirit that will make your body like iron wrapped in silk, your attacks as deceptive as a needle hidden in a ball of cotton. Now, you are ready for real training."

"The best things in life are beyond money; their price is agony and sweat and devotion...and the price demanded for the most precious of all things in life is life itself, the ultimate cost for perfect value."
Now, for the important part: Classic Man!

Classic man today is not a particular sense though it was a particular man who fits my description (I just don't know who it is...). The classic man today is the man who figured out that you can drink a cow's milk. Why, you might ask, is that person (obviously a man) a classic male? The reasoning is this: Men dare other men to do very stupid things. Eat HOT peppers, sleep with fat chicks, light bags of poop on fire on doorsteps....and drink stuff that comes out of another animal. I imagine the conversation went something like this (loosely translated from some earlier language, of course):

"Hey, whatcha doin?"
"Nuthin....look at them four legged, spotted things over there....."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, they got them things hanging down nipples."
"Ha, dude, imagine a chick with that many nipples....she'd have like 3 times as many boobs."
"Yeah and the littler spotted dealys suck on em' "
"What you think comes out?"
"I dunno, but I betcha a pig and two goats you won't drink it....."
"Hell no, I ain't drinking that shit!"
"Why not, you afraid?"
"I'm not afraid, I just don't wanna."
"No, you're afraid.....pussy"
"Fuck you!"
"Nice come back, you just are too scared to do it..."
"Well, why don't you drink it?"
"Cause I dared you first!"
"Fine, fine, but if you tell Bill about this, I swear to God, I'm telling the whole camp that you banged fat Margret then cried afterwards and she had to sing you to sleep."
"Fuck you man! I was totally wasted and couldn't see straight...."

That's all for now. Hope you all enjoy me being back as much as I do....

-Fair winds and following seas.......

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha ohh Leddy. Glad to have you back. P.s. I think I'm one of those savvy tech mac dudes... lol
