Monday, March 14, 2011

floggins molly-tobacco island we are, yet another monday-a wonderful way to spend 1/7 of your life, i suppose.

i was initially going to do a piece i call "a one sided conversation I have with the world while trying to avoid talking to that kid I went to high school with who is doing checkout at jewel osco." But it's not finished yet, so you gotta wait.

So instead, I am dedicating the next 90 minutes to you. Your hopes, dreams, desires, sins, penances, should haves, should have nots, and general hypotheticals.

Here is what I've got for you:

It's monday night, I'm listening to flogging molly on pandora, with a dip in and this is what comes to my mind-YOU HAVE A FINITE TIME LEFT ON THIS EARTH. My time is more likely than not even more compressed as I choose to partake in habits that I am sure negatively affect my longevity. I drink; often to excess, I used to smoke, I dip (quitting soon though), I don't sleep enough, I work too much, I vacation too little, and I worry (blame the Catholic guilt, I suppose).

And what does that lead me to? Jack shit. Why does it lead me to jack shit? I don't have a fuckin clue. I'm sure it shouldn't but it more than often does. So instead, I consider what I've learned over my 24 long years of living.

-I have a cat that is bulimic and another that is afraid of the dark.
-I don't have many answers to almost any question
-I am not overly quick witted
-I might be unable to die-time will test this theory
-The whiskey always burns me going down and the women always hurt me walking away, but I return to both hoping that the next time might be different
-I've learned that when I'm dead, I want my body to mangled and torn and used-open casket funerals are for Popes and Presidents, I have a life to live
-Something given is never as valuable as something earned
-To whom much is given, much is expected
-Most people from the Northeast annoy me
-College professors don't want you to use Wikipedia as a resource because most of the time is has all the information you'll need and is correct
-Always ask "Why not"
-Do something nice for someone everyday
-Everyone is smarter than you in some way, you just gotta stick around in the conversation long enough to figure out how
-Shoot first, ask questions later
-Rock bottom is never really that
-You may be on the top of your world, but you're on the bottom of someone else's
-Never, Never, Never Quit
-Most doctors don't know shit, first or last in their medical class, they have an MD after their name
-I haven't been able to "woo" anything outside of a cheeseburger-and even that left eventually
-If you're gonna make a mistake, go ahead and enjoy making it-just don't make it a second time
-The human body can accomplish amazing things-it's the human brain that often gets in the way
-A cold beer in a hot shower is of the best things in life
-So is the feeling of skin to skin human contact
-Everyone has an agenda, get used to it
-Something may not be worth your while, but it's well worth someone else's so fucking appreciate it
-I love a good smelling woman
-Simplicity is the key to happiness, take one task you are doing and focus all your energy on it, meditate within the task and do it to the best of your ability
-We are all connected through some greater force, energy, or whatever. There is no use running from it-it is the basis of human connection and life

That's all I want to write tonight. I've learned more, but I'll save it for a later date. No Classic Man because I think it would cheapen whatever it is that I am pseudo trying to accomplish here (I told you everyone has an agenda).

-Fair winds and following seas....

1 comment:

  1. I know this was a good post, but you haven't posted anything new in over two weeks! I'm in withdrawal... you'd better post soon!
