Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gobbeldy gook


I return to my blog to see a lack of outrage over my (probably off color) Muslim joke yesterday.....I assume that's a good thing (maybe not due to clear reflection of lack of readership).

Today was an average day: Grinded through work (corporate BS and all-cause somehow paying someone full time is still cheaper than the time I waste doing shit to fill the empty position), got an okay workout in: cone drill-squats, lunges, diamond pushups, wide pushups, star jumps, crunches, leg kicks, and some other shit all while running laps around a park.

I also, officially today, came out of the closet as a.....fatalist. You thought I was going to say homosexual, right? WRONG! I love the female body too much and enjoy it's ability to swing, sway, and contort itself into too many interesting positions in which to have sex with to be a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that......

Speaking of which, time to disspell a probable rumor about me: I am not, necessarily, against gay marriage. Here's why:
The act of marriage is a religious sacrament, and by the constitution of the US, we all know that religion and state are to be separated. Therefore, what you are really doing, outside of your particular belief structure, aka what this means to Uncle Sam, is that you are allowed to file a single tax return. THAT'S IT!  Look, 50% off marriage ends in divorce, if the homosexual community wants a piece of that, I say let them have it. The only way I am, probably, outwardly against this idea is if a study is conducted and we found that a majority of children from single sex marriages turned out to be serial killers, suicide victims, etc. Other than that, there are enough shitty opposite sex marriages that ruin a kid, so why not let the gays have a chance?

Any who, back to my point, I am a fatalist. What this means, TO ME, is that there isn't much you can control. Mainly I use it to not worry about the past. Sometimes I still do, but look, you can turn shit back into salmon dinner, so why worry about things you can't control. You do what you can; what's best for you, husband, wife, kid, etc. and move on.Maybe it was the right choice, maybe it was the wrong choice. The point is, whatever choice you've made, you have to deal with what the consequences are, not worry about what the other choice would have brought.

The caveat to this is that human beings on a large scale, mainly psychologically, don't change. What this means is that over a general world population, history is bound to repeat itself, if we fail to learn from it the first time, i.e. Genocide, Terrorism, bad relationships, etc. What the root causation of those issues is, however, is clearly up for debate.

Hmmmm and to think, I had nothing to write about 30 minutes ago......that's what inspiration if for.

Classic Man Time:
No real guessing here, but this guy is a man's man. My take on it might be a little different than the average male though. 1) He does fucking awesome shit. Go kill a boar and roast it, go chop off a snake's head, make a fire and survive for a week in shitty weather. 2) He's smart enough to know that he's filming a TV show and that man has evolved to sleep IN BEDS. I know he got caught staying in hotels and in generally populated areas, but look, you gotta respect the guy that says: "I fucking evolved from a monkey to walk on two legs and have conscious thought, I'll sleep in a BED when I can find one. Besides, I know very few college coeds that are willing to go back with a man to his moss bed under a tree and shiver/sweat away deadly mosquitoes all night; THE MAN HAS TO GET HIS.

Anyway, if you don't like Classic Man, go fuck yourself.....if you're lonely tonight, maybe you already are?

I will leave you will a parting quote:

"It is usually more important how a man meets his fate than what it is."
-Karl Wilhelm von Humbold

Until next time boys and girls.

-Fair winds and following seas......


  1. I love that our conversations sometimes inspire your wise words and phrases. Now if only you could remember to give me my Classic Man every day, I would be such a happy woman! Hahaha! I still loved your post though. Be proud of your fatalist outlook!

    P.S. I knew you weren't a homosexual... Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  2. Yay for Classic Man!
