Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Payback is a b***h

Hello Nation,

Remember how I said yesterday that you need balance in your life? Happy/Sad, Active/Passive, et al. Yes, you do, how could you forget....

Anyhow, today, Life decided to kick me in the ass after trying to reveal its secret by giving me a work day from Hell. Up  early for another workout, more attempts to push the earth and ab work. Normal work day for the most part. Played my quasi-typical role of whipping boy which after not actually doing work for a good 3 weeks (thank you meetings and jury duty) was a stark reminder on why I need to achieve goal numero uno (if you don't know what this is, look back to the original post). This was followed up by driving home (quick commute today-remember what I said yesterday?). THEN, I got to do more work.....which I am still doing......6.5 hours later......FUCK. I realize this isn't work, but I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to read this and dream of tomorrow's posting while they slept.

Random side note before I wind back around to my original topic for today's "Classic Man" posting. I get an email daily from a site (tutuniverse.com) with little, interesting, thought provoking comments. Today's was particularly interesting. It was about how a lot of people wished they made and were able to spend a million dollars a year. You could shower yourself and the people you love with everything and be happy. Do you know what the means on a per day basis? $2739.93. Now, how much is your happiness really worth?

Now, back on topic. As I said previously, I have a number of tasks to do tonight that I SAID I would have done for tomorrow. People SAY a lot of things, yet rarely do them. A man's WORD has started to hold very little value in the world today. Today's "Classic Man" is a man who kept true to his word:

Photo Courtesy of armytimes.com

General Douglas MacArthur! Classic American Man! The general said he was going to return to the Pacific Islands victorious and he did. A man true to his word! He took every step to make sure it happened. How many times have you said you were going to do something, only to fall short because of the "effort" it required? The point is, sack up, grab a corn cob pipe and get that shit done!

That's all for today-Fair Winds and Following Seas-Company Whipping Boy out!

1 comment:

  1. I like that comment from tutuniverse. You need to tell me more about this website; it sounds interesting. Also, I don't think that money could buy me happiness. Sure, it'd be nice to have a nice car and a place to live other than my parents house, but it's the little things that make me happy. I think even if I don't show it or don't say it, deep down I'm content and happy with myself. Love your posts and it gives me something to look forward to each day. Thanks bud! :)
