Sunday, January 23, 2011

The ultimate goal

I am starting this blog in an effort to regain the epitome of what it means to be a man. I find myself overwhelemed by technology in my day to day life. Facebook, twitter, myspace;  it all sucks humanity and simplicity from our lives. That being said, I plan to take it back (And yes, I realize the irony of starting a blog to remove technology from my life, but deal with it).

This blog serves as a conduete to communicate my efforts to reach my life goal:
1)Become an Officer of Marines
2)Learn to hunt, farm, and fish-live off the land so to speak. No more handouts.

Secondly, this blog will most likely become a journal for my workouts (post yours in the comments if you feel so inclined), rants, and raves. The two latter points being stated, if you are easily offended, best sign off now. As a preview of my personal cranial ongoings, I will let you in on a few things about myself:

-I do not believe in being politically correct, that is for fuckers, and it is what is killing America and causing people to go on shooting sprees. If you suck, I plan to tell you so, so at least someone can say they did.

-I have a very strange and dry sense of humor, usually to the point of annoying others and causing me to sit alone at large parties. I don't really care, but if you don't get a joke, I ain't gonna slow down to explain it. Google that shit.

-I believe in soul mates, ipsofacto, I am a romantic at heart. Maybe mine has passed me by, maybe it hasn't. Maybe I'll be married 50 years, maybe I'll die alone. I don't have the answers.

-I don't have an auto-"I'm so sorry for you and can totally empathize" button. If you don't like something, change it. Hence my blog.

For now, that's it, but I'm sure there will be more to come. This will hopefully all workout and maybe I can make some people think.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I can't wait to keep reading it. It's unlike Facebook, Myspace, Twitter in EVERY way. I hope you make me think because this is why I'm starting my own blog; to make myself think too. So keep me entertained, love.
