Monday, March 14, 2011

floggins molly-tobacco island we are, yet another monday-a wonderful way to spend 1/7 of your life, i suppose.

i was initially going to do a piece i call "a one sided conversation I have with the world while trying to avoid talking to that kid I went to high school with who is doing checkout at jewel osco." But it's not finished yet, so you gotta wait.

So instead, I am dedicating the next 90 minutes to you. Your hopes, dreams, desires, sins, penances, should haves, should have nots, and general hypotheticals.

Here is what I've got for you:

It's monday night, I'm listening to flogging molly on pandora, with a dip in and this is what comes to my mind-YOU HAVE A FINITE TIME LEFT ON THIS EARTH. My time is more likely than not even more compressed as I choose to partake in habits that I am sure negatively affect my longevity. I drink; often to excess, I used to smoke, I dip (quitting soon though), I don't sleep enough, I work too much, I vacation too little, and I worry (blame the Catholic guilt, I suppose).

And what does that lead me to? Jack shit. Why does it lead me to jack shit? I don't have a fuckin clue. I'm sure it shouldn't but it more than often does. So instead, I consider what I've learned over my 24 long years of living.

-I have a cat that is bulimic and another that is afraid of the dark.
-I don't have many answers to almost any question
-I am not overly quick witted
-I might be unable to die-time will test this theory
-The whiskey always burns me going down and the women always hurt me walking away, but I return to both hoping that the next time might be different
-I've learned that when I'm dead, I want my body to mangled and torn and used-open casket funerals are for Popes and Presidents, I have a life to live
-Something given is never as valuable as something earned
-To whom much is given, much is expected
-Most people from the Northeast annoy me
-College professors don't want you to use Wikipedia as a resource because most of the time is has all the information you'll need and is correct
-Always ask "Why not"
-Do something nice for someone everyday
-Everyone is smarter than you in some way, you just gotta stick around in the conversation long enough to figure out how
-Shoot first, ask questions later
-Rock bottom is never really that
-You may be on the top of your world, but you're on the bottom of someone else's
-Never, Never, Never Quit
-Most doctors don't know shit, first or last in their medical class, they have an MD after their name
-I haven't been able to "woo" anything outside of a cheeseburger-and even that left eventually
-If you're gonna make a mistake, go ahead and enjoy making it-just don't make it a second time
-The human body can accomplish amazing things-it's the human brain that often gets in the way
-A cold beer in a hot shower is of the best things in life
-So is the feeling of skin to skin human contact
-Everyone has an agenda, get used to it
-Something may not be worth your while, but it's well worth someone else's so fucking appreciate it
-I love a good smelling woman
-Simplicity is the key to happiness, take one task you are doing and focus all your energy on it, meditate within the task and do it to the best of your ability
-We are all connected through some greater force, energy, or whatever. There is no use running from it-it is the basis of human connection and life

That's all I want to write tonight. I've learned more, but I'll save it for a later date. No Classic Man because I think it would cheapen whatever it is that I am pseudo trying to accomplish here (I told you everyone has an agenda).

-Fair winds and following seas....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

what a shitty day

Today was a miserable day.

Work was crap! There are some bitches in the world and they don't wanna let you finish a sentence.

However, I stumbled upon this quote and I think I love it:

Inflamed with the study of learning and the admiration of virtue; stirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men and worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages.
-John Milton

I really don't have much to write about tonight. My running workout was a bitch, 10x200m. I was sucking wind like a motherfucker. I got through it though which means I'm one day stronger than I was yesterday.

Classic Man of the Day:
Clint Eastwood! Classic Man! He is the eqiuvilant of what a man should be in both real life and his movies. He ultimately respects women, look I'm all for equal rights (despite the obvious biological differences that some women choose to ignore for some reason) but I do have a few male rules. One of them, possibly the most important, is that you always respect a woman. This basically translates to the fact that if you are a man, you NEVER strike a woman, if you do, you deserve to die a slow and painful death. Also, you open the door for a woman, you give her your seat, etc. Look, I get that women want to work, earn a living, get paid the same, etc. but I am a chivalrous man. I still believe in do things in the classic male sense, I guess. Think back to the 50's or earlier, that's how you oughta treat a woman.


That's all I got tonight.

-Fair winds and following seas.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gobbeldy gook


I return to my blog to see a lack of outrage over my (probably off color) Muslim joke yesterday.....I assume that's a good thing (maybe not due to clear reflection of lack of readership).

Today was an average day: Grinded through work (corporate BS and all-cause somehow paying someone full time is still cheaper than the time I waste doing shit to fill the empty position), got an okay workout in: cone drill-squats, lunges, diamond pushups, wide pushups, star jumps, crunches, leg kicks, and some other shit all while running laps around a park.

I also, officially today, came out of the closet as a.....fatalist. You thought I was going to say homosexual, right? WRONG! I love the female body too much and enjoy it's ability to swing, sway, and contort itself into too many interesting positions in which to have sex with to be a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that......

Speaking of which, time to disspell a probable rumor about me: I am not, necessarily, against gay marriage. Here's why:
The act of marriage is a religious sacrament, and by the constitution of the US, we all know that religion and state are to be separated. Therefore, what you are really doing, outside of your particular belief structure, aka what this means to Uncle Sam, is that you are allowed to file a single tax return. THAT'S IT!  Look, 50% off marriage ends in divorce, if the homosexual community wants a piece of that, I say let them have it. The only way I am, probably, outwardly against this idea is if a study is conducted and we found that a majority of children from single sex marriages turned out to be serial killers, suicide victims, etc. Other than that, there are enough shitty opposite sex marriages that ruin a kid, so why not let the gays have a chance?

Any who, back to my point, I am a fatalist. What this means, TO ME, is that there isn't much you can control. Mainly I use it to not worry about the past. Sometimes I still do, but look, you can turn shit back into salmon dinner, so why worry about things you can't control. You do what you can; what's best for you, husband, wife, kid, etc. and move on.Maybe it was the right choice, maybe it was the wrong choice. The point is, whatever choice you've made, you have to deal with what the consequences are, not worry about what the other choice would have brought.

The caveat to this is that human beings on a large scale, mainly psychologically, don't change. What this means is that over a general world population, history is bound to repeat itself, if we fail to learn from it the first time, i.e. Genocide, Terrorism, bad relationships, etc. What the root causation of those issues is, however, is clearly up for debate.

Hmmmm and to think, I had nothing to write about 30 minutes ago......that's what inspiration if for.

Classic Man Time:
No real guessing here, but this guy is a man's man. My take on it might be a little different than the average male though. 1) He does fucking awesome shit. Go kill a boar and roast it, go chop off a snake's head, make a fire and survive for a week in shitty weather. 2) He's smart enough to know that he's filming a TV show and that man has evolved to sleep IN BEDS. I know he got caught staying in hotels and in generally populated areas, but look, you gotta respect the guy that says: "I fucking evolved from a monkey to walk on two legs and have conscious thought, I'll sleep in a BED when I can find one. Besides, I know very few college coeds that are willing to go back with a man to his moss bed under a tree and shiver/sweat away deadly mosquitoes all night; THE MAN HAS TO GET HIS.

Anyway, if you don't like Classic Man, go fuck yourself.....if you're lonely tonight, maybe you already are?

I will leave you will a parting quote:

"It is usually more important how a man meets his fate than what it is."
-Karl Wilhelm von Humbold

Until next time boys and girls.

-Fair winds and following seas......

Monday, March 7, 2011


Ok so this isn't a joyous post people. If you're looking for sunshine and rainbows, you're better off looking in toilet bowl after you drop one.

I had a retard customer today who was French, and possibly Muslim, but the Muslim part doesn't really play into this at all.....though he did keep trying to cover one of his female coworkers up head to toe the entire time we were having a conversation (racially sensative joke. get over it people. move on, I don't hate Muslim people, just the one's who try and blow shit/Americans/people up). The part I hate is arrogance and that is most commonly associated with the French.

Look, let's be honest, what have the French done lately? Not much. They had some good inventions in the way back machine, but otherwise, they've basically been latching onto America/Britian for the last 60 odd years. Remember WWII? (and possibly WWI) France was fucked! Churchill is the only reason the French aren't speaking german today (Personally I think we should have just let Hitler keep France and moved on with it).

 Q: What's the motto of the US Marine Corps? 
A: Semper Fi (Always Faithful)
Q: What's the motto of the French Army? 
A: Stop, drop, and run! 

Q: What do you call a French man killed defending his country?
A: I don't know either, its never happened! 

"I just love the French. They taste like chicken!" ---- Hannibal Lecter 

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes." ---Mark Twain 

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." --- General George S. Patton 

"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish than sitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskey I don't know." --- P.J O'Rourke 

I am back in PT form as of Saturday. 6 mile hump with 25lb pack (light but it still sucked cause of the weather), Sunday was a 3 mile run with ammo can lifts and a knowledge review of the M16A2 rifle, and today was a bit lighter with Push-Pull-Press-Abs and a 40 minute bike ride. The goal is 6 or 7 days a week cause that day off just kills me.

Classic Man of the Day:
George S. Patton
No picture, but the man was a fucking stud. See his quote above. He single handedly saved the world when Britain and France couldn't. Google it!

-Fair winds and following seas....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ok so apparently my last post was unsatisfactory

so I'll make this one:
A few thoughts I had today:

1)Is the biological mechanism that gives people headaches and women menstrual cramps the same?

2) I am ever more convinced that wealth isn't in terms of dollars, but in terms of souls touched. I think I figured this out when my grandma died. The wealth of a person is valued in the number of people who's lives you make a difference is. This is a sliding scale, mind you. If you can only make a difference in a few people's lives, but make a HUGE difference, it is equivilent to making a small difference in many people's lives. That give's me a real life motto: Whether billionaire or bum, you can learn something from every person you interact with.

3) Distance is relative. What it is relative to, is the amount of love in your heart for a person. If you love someone with your whole being (a daughter, boyfriend, husband, brother, etc.) a single mile can feel like a million miles. Really, distance works on an a scale of absolute values being that any distance is too far.

4) Sometimes, even if the situation isn't optimal, you gotta suck it up. It is going to hurt, you will be embarrassed, and you may not prove your total worth, but it has to be done.

5) Seeing is believing, but not everyone chooses to see and seeing isn't always done with your eyes.

I think that's about it. Now for Classic Man of the Day:

THE DUKE! CLASSIC AMERICAN MAN! Did a bunch of pro military films during WWII, made A LOT of donations to veteran's charities, also went on tour with the USO to entertain the troops. John Wayne never let being out numbered or out gunned get him down, he rose above it! The point I'm making is The Duke never said "I Can't" or "I don't want to," he just saw what needed to be done, tightened his belt, and got to work. I often wonder if maybe we lived in a less self serving society, we wouldn't be in all the trouble we are in now. If personal pride in one's work, home life, and societal perception mattered at all anymore, we wouldn't have to deal with all the bullshit "what's in it for me" assholes that we do now and the country might be better off. This and Jersey Shore, are also the reason I believe in sterilization during adulthood. If you look, act, talk, and fail to contribute to a society like a shithead, you don't get to repopulate (READ: re-poison) the earth with your seed. Also, on a separate note: Berkley,CA protesters and Code Pink motherfuckers (Google it if you are uninformed) should be able to be shot on site without any repercussions whatsoever. They are fucking morons.

That's all. Hate me if you so choose, everyone else does.

-Fair winds and following seas.....

Food for thought.

"Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find
amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own;
sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push
through the obstruction."
--William James

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few
be well tried before you give them your confidence; true
friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and
withstand the shocks and adversity before it is entitled to the
--George Washington

"It behooves you, therefore, to think and act for yourself and
your people. The great principles of right and wrong are legible
to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many
counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of
being honest. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give
you credit where you fail."
--Thomas Jefferson

-Fair winds and following seas.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Not much to blog about-4.5 miles today. Feels good. Weather was warmer which was fantastic.

Ummmmmm what to say what to say?

I really don't have much to write about. Worked all day. Thought I lost my notebook for 45 minutes and was running around looking for it.

Someone give me ideas for shit to write about! This is getting harder to do everyday when I have just boring old days.

Just don't kill yourself tonight, please.

-Fair winds and following seas....