Saturday, February 5, 2011

clutch, shift, gas

So I've already asked what drives you. Now I want to know what inspires you.

But first, FUCK TRAFFIC! I sat in 3 hours of it today to get home.

Now, I've already written about what drives someone, today, we talk about what inspires someone.

Inspriration is a powerful thing and it comes from all over. Nature, movies, music..... alcohol. The point is that something is profound enough to reach in and touch you (and not in a catholic priest-confessional-altar boy kind of way). Do you remember any physics? If not, it doesn't really matter, I can still provide the example.

In physics, motion, sound, and vibration can be charted using sinusoidal curves (See image 1)

Image 1:

Taken from :

As you can see, this curve's position changes in a repetitve function. Now, in a case, say vibration, you can have pulsation vibrations who's function of intensity can be graphed in a sinusoidal curve. Take a single vibrational function and and add a second vibrational function (another sinusoidal curve) into the mix. Both vibrations act as independent waves. BUT when the two crests of each function of vibration sync up, the collective amplitude increases.It reaches higher on the graph. This is inspiration.

As humans, with a soul (or some sense of higher thinking) our minds, lives, thoughts, actions, etc function in a wave like manner. We are up/down, happy/sad, energetic/lazy. But that thing that inspires you or in general, relates to whatever mood you're in, magnifies that amplitude of your being. You may be out for a run and that one song comes on your ipod that pumps you up. The rhythm, message, words, beat; SOMETHING about that song works to sync with your current amplitude of being and makes it even bigger. It inspires us to do better, more.

So I guess my question is: What inspires you? It can be a person, place, thing, song, saying, anything. The point is that it magnifies your life's amplitude.

I'll share some things that inspire me: Quotes.

It's a bit cheesy, but so is that slow clap at the apex of a sports movie, so I can't be the only one who likes them. I have tons of them on my computer, and I thought I'd share some with you. They aren't in any particular order. Maybe you'll like some, maybe you'll think some of the dumbest thing you've ever read and they relate to your life in absolutely no way whatsoever. But that's the point. The question was: What inspires YOU. This is something that inspires ME. Note the obvious difference.

"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."

"Nobody said it would be easy..they just said it would be worth it."

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself." 

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. and YOU WILL TELL THEM YES"

"If there's just one piece of advice I can give you, it's this - when there's something you really want, fight for it, don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you've lost hope, ask yourself if 10 years from now, you're gonna wish you gave it just one more shot. Because the best things in life, they don't come free."

"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats"
B. C. Forbes

"Tough situations can never last but tough people will live on!'

"The best things in life are beyond money; their price is agony and sweat and devotion...and the price demanded for the most precious of all things in life is life itself, the ultimate cost for perfect value."

Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be here.
80 are nothing but targets. 9 are the real fighters,
and we are lucky to have them, for they the battle make. Ah, but the ONE, ONE of them is a WARRIOR, and he will bring the others back.

When Phillip II (father of Alexander the great) came into Greece he sent a message to the Spartans: εάν εισάγω Λακεδαεμον επίπεδο Σπάρτα στο έδαφος! ("If I enter Lacedaemon I will level Sparta to the ground!")

The Spartans replied εάν (If).

Anyway, those are a few things that sync up with my soul. Now onto "Classic Man." 
Because today's post deals with inspiration, I feel that there is only one man who can be highlighted:

 I don't need to know explain who this is. He inspired millions. Scientists and ordinary people alike. Classic Man, he took his inspiration and ran with it. Kind of the point, isn't it?


  1. #1. I love slow claps
    #2. You took all the quotes I have hanging in my room, stealer!
    #3 Facetime in 5 days.

  2. Marion. She makes me want to be the greatest person I can be and more. She is what inspires me now. Before her, I can't even remember what inspired me. Nothing else matters now.

    And I love your quotes.
