Tuesday, February 1, 2011

yeah yeah i've been slacking.....

and it will continue because:
1) I have my flight aptitude test with the USMC in 2 weeks-study study study.....after a full day of work that is
2)I am taking my long vacation to Colorado in 2 weeks to see some awesome people

With that being said, this blog will be spotty for the next 2-3 weeks and I apologize. I won't have the energy to rant and rave for paragraphs. If you want to give me topics to rant and rave about though, I'm all ears and it takes the pressure off my already over stimulated brain.

Now, onto my point to be made:

Do our lives build towards something? Think of the pyramids....all those blocks building to a single point, a symphony.....all the music playing to a crescendo, that Saturday night hookup......all that work put in to find out whether her boob are REALLY that amazing or it's just Viki's little secret.

Do you or have you ever felt the building of a moment in your own life? I realize that for some this question is hard to answer (if only we had soundtracks to our lives, we could tell so much easier!)....but just think about it. It is the exam you're studying for? The girl (or boy) your chasing romantically? The sprint at the end of a run you are on?

In my opinion (since that's pretty much all that matters anyhow....hence why I like this more than facebook) our lives are like a mountain range. There are many little peaks along the way, some bigger than others, some steeper, some even have those little trams that take you to the peak (insert trust fund babies). I think, if you're really lucky, you get a mountain range of varying sizes of peaks,  but you also get that ONE PEAK. You know the one, the all or nothing, this is the whole fucking point of dragging my ass out to the middle of Tunisia (do they have mountains there?) and surviving without TV, Comfort, Electricity, or masturbation for the last week! If you're lucky, you get the one HUGE peak, and you are smart enough to recognize what the peak is....or how high it can take you.

I would imagine that plenty of people get that huge peak and fail to look all the way up it and see where it can take them. Sure, it will be a pain in the ass, but when you lookout from the top of it, you are a fuckload higher than all those other assholes, because you made the extra effort.
That's what separates us from our peers, who was willing to climb to the top and who was satisfied just to get off the ground?

So until next time I have a spare 10 minutes, CLIMB HIGHER, I promise it's worth it!

-Fair winds and following seas.....

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