Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Potential for a brain aneurysm : HIGH

That's it! I am done studying for the night. My head hurts and I need vodka. Nothing really happened today. I, like everyone else, was buried in snow. I hope everyone is ok. Those of you that GTFO before the are lucky!

I had a nightmare that somehow this blog got emailed to everyone in my contacts list......bad news bears! Tell your friends if you like, but not my coworkers!

A few interesting points of the day:
1)There are OTC drug tests....weird. Are they made by the same people that make the baby tests? Do you still push your girlfriend down a flight of stairs if it comes up 'YES'?

2) People were stuck in their cars for 10 hours on Lake there was at lesat one fucker that thought he could make it home without getting gas. Childhood lesson: Go before you go. Even if it seems like you may not have to right then, just in case.

3)The snow storm made me wish I was back in college. Why? Cause I would have been shitfaced by noon, that's why.

4)Are my cats really friendly with each other.....or gay?

5)More on cats: Do they think the lamp they are sitting under is the sun or do they get warm from it or what's the deal with that charade?

6) Read any book by Christopher Moore, someone still has my Lamb book! Satirical Genius!

7) How can you ruin someone's day by giving them relevant information? Dumb.

Classic Man of the day: Whoever invented vodka. They fucking rule. Except if they were French.....then, they got lucky!

Now, quitchurbitchin' and get a move on.

-Fair winds and following seas.....


  1. I got your text. Yes, the storm made me REALLY wish I was back at the U because we could have gone drunk sledding and I would have enjoyed that! Miss you.

  2. P.S. you still have my Napoleon Dynamite movie that I'd like back sooner or later! Ha!
