Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day-A day to remember a saint who did......?

Okay so not a  big valentines day fan. I either spend it alone or trying to live up to some silly expectation from whatever girl I may be dating at that time (never gonna happen, have another chocolate).

Oh yes, I PASSED my TEST! I also have been drinking a bit so forgive any typos. I was happy for 10 minutes today, then I started thinking about the next step. But that is 10 minutes more than I planned on being happy today so I'll take it.

I have not much to say, but a quote to put. It's not original, but I find it fits the occasion:
"No distance of places or lapse can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly convinced of each other's worth."

I love you all. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Life is moments, and most of them are crap, but you hold on to the good ones cause they keep you through the bullshit.

-Fair winds and following seas.......from Denver tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You're in Denver? Lucky you! I'd rather be there than here.. although, I am going on somewhat of a rendezvous today. I think that word is funny.. I might blog about that later.
