Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Bad day at work. I fucked up majorly.....took it like a man and moved on.

Quick post cause it's late.
Had a nice run today, good to get my blood pumping again. All this studying/working is really making me hate goal oriented tasks.

So let's ask this question:
Is everything you do goal oriented? Are you always working TOWARDS (maybe away from?) something? Or have you ever just been, as a good friend puts it, "Cali chill"?

Like I said before, no Classic Man, just a nice motivational quote to get the ole heart strings tugging.

"For every nine people who denounce innovation, only one will encourage it... 
For every nine people who do things the way they have always been done, only one will ever wonder if there is a better way. 
For every nine people who stand in 
line in front of a locked door, only one will ever come around and check the back door. 
Our progress as a species rest squarely on the shoulders of that 
tenth person. 
The nine are satisfied with things they are told are valuable. 
Person 10 determines for himself what has value."
-Fair winds and following seas..... 

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