Monday, February 7, 2011

I caught the bottle flu.....

And it hit me this morning.......I think I caught it from a wild turkey or three. The white castle certainly didn't help. On the plus side, I won 125 bucks on squares for the super bowl......a game I didn't watch and a squares game I forgot I was playing.

So I also set my test date for the USMC. Next Monday I will be cursing myself and my lack of brains while others are swooning over their loved ones. I don't have this problem since I don't have a loved one......more chocolate for me fuckers.

And one week from today, I will also be prepping to fly out to Denver to see one of my favorite cousins and best friends/future sugar momma(s?). More than that though, I'm excited to try running at high altitudes. I am really hoping I pass out or something fun like that so I'll have a story to tell.

I was posed the question today on why I don't call my boss more. The only real reason is that because when I do, I get a list of 15 other things that I have to do in addition to the 20 that I already have to do. Hence, the comminque is kept to a minimum.

I am struggling for Class Man today. Nothing really jumped out at me, things jumped out of me, repeatedly, but not at me. I guess for Classic Man, I will do some Classic Men. These particular men are supposedly wise, yet no interaction I've ever had with them has ever left me any smarter, just less hungry the next day.....
Photo courtesy of fotoFluke at

That's all for now. I'll leave you with an inspirational quote. By the way, I still am feeling the effects of that damn turkey driven bottle flu.....must be the weather.

"A shot of desire is worth a keg of talent"

-Fair winds and following seas.....

1 comment:

  1. I thought I told you to feel better, Mister!
